Peanut butter choco chunk cookies
7:52 PMKalo yg ini stok kukis nadine ... kalo bikin selalu ama satu resep lagi jenis kukis yg lain. Resepnya nontek di everyday food magazine bulan maret 2009. Kacang banget rasanya, trus choco chunk-nya aku pakek collata yg milk chocolate. Bikin persis ama resep, enggak ditambahin tepung dll, rasanya tyt cocok & yg penting si nduk suka.

Minggu ini jadwalnya bikin lagih, blom kepikir mo bikin apa, mood-nya belom dapet. Pengen bikin choco chip cookies yg chewy ama oatmeal cookis. Gak taulah nanti ajah di pikirnya kalo udah siap2 mo bikin. Enaknya kalo ada stok kukis, doi gak rusuh minta dibawain ini itu sepulang aku kerja. Lagian bahan2-nya juga pasti dipilih yg paling oke yg InsyaAllah aman untuk anak-anak.
Weisss ahh, daripada ngelantur, dibawah aku copas resepnya.
Peanut butter choco chunk cookies
Source: Everyday Food Magazine - March'09
1.5 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 stick (4 tbsp) butter,room temp
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
8 ounces semi sweet chocolate,cut into chunk
How to make:
1. Preheat oven to 350. In bowl whisk fluor and baking soda,set aside. In mixer bowl,beat peanut butter,butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla, and beat until smooth. With mixer on low,gradually add fluor mixture,beating just until combined. Stir in choco chunk.
2. Drop dough by heaping tablespoons,1 inch apart,onto two large baking sheets. Bake until golden,13 to 15 mins,rotating sheets halfway through. Transfer to wire racks to cool.
Yuukk bikin kukis yiuuukkkk :)