KBB task # 4 - Chocolate Swirl Meringue
9:55 AM
Tugas KBB bulan ini bikin mereng ... duhhh, kebetulan banget aku juga lagi sinting pengen nyoba bikin macaron ... cita2nya pengen bisa kek yg di bakerzin gituh ... hihihihi, ngayal dot com :). Akunya sih seneng2 ajah ngerjain tugas aneh2 ... binun-nya cuma ... tar sapa yg makan tuh mereng ... secara dulu pernah nyoba bikin schuimpjes satu resep trus nyoba2 bikin macaron gak ada yg makan .... kebetulan bapak & anak kurang suka manis2 gak kayak simboknya ini.
Eniwei ... back to business ... akhirnya hari minggu tgl 24 kemaren berkesempatan mencoba ... bikinnya 1/4 resep sajah, Alhamdulillah kering luar dalem, cuma ada yg cracking dibagian bawah. Untuk style penyajiannya ... aku cuma pakein nutella ... ama di teplokin stroberi. Seperempat resep ini jadi 2 biji dengan ukuran rada besar ... tanpa spuit, cuma aku sendokin ajah. Oiya, gulanya aku pake icing sugar ... biar gak manis banget. Overall ... masalahnya mungkin cuma di pemanggangan ... aku set di suhu sesuai resep, di ovenku tyt terlalu panas ... jadi aku kecilin dan gak selama di resep manggangnya, cuma 1 jam-an ajah, sudah kering luar dalam, tapiyy ... hasil akhirnya gak putih ... hehehehe, kurasa setelah ditambahin coklat bubuk, aku ngaduknya terlalu semangat .. jadi nyampur bawur gituh ... hehehehehe
Well .. ini dia resepnya ...
Chocolate Swirl Meringues
Source: Taste4 egg whites
225g caster sugar
1 tsps cornflour
1 rounded Tbs cocoa powder
thickened cream to serve
1. Preheat the oven to 150C fan bake. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Put
the egg whites and caster sugar in a large heatproof bowl and sit over a pan
of simmering water. Don't let the bottom of the bowl touch the water or the
egg whites will scramble. Stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar has
completely dissolved and the mixture is quite hot to touch, then immediately
remove from the heat.
2. Whisk egg white mixture using a hand-held electric beater for about 10-15
minutes until very thick, white and glossy. Mix in the cornflour. Sieve in
the cocoa powder and, using a large metal spoon, very lightly fold into the
meringue using 2-3 strokes. Don't mix it thoroughly.
3. Spoon the mixture (you can pipe it with the piping bag, if you wish-ab) onto
the prepared baking sheets in 6 large spoonfuls, making each one as peaky as
possible (don't have to do this when you want to make 10 small
meringues-ab). Put the baking tray in the oven, reduce the temperature to
120C and cook for 1 hour 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and leave the
meringues inside until completely cold. Serve with thickened cream.
Oiya, ini dia yg bantuin aku ngabisin mereng walopun cuma nyolekin nutella-nya ajah ... :D
Sampai disini dulu laporan cerita mereng ... dann ... sekarang saatnya siap menantikan tantangan berikutnyaaa ... halahhh ....... :)