Chocolate fever ...

7:51 AM

I wasn't expecting to have a b'day cake order yesterday since I have to make a bunch of snack box for this morning. Tapinaaa, kok iyaaa tiba2 sore kemaren mbak2 yg di kantor putih sono minta dibikinin b'day cake for one of their friend. Maunya coklat .. huahhh. Aku lagi mati ide gini and lagi ngebayangi ngimana nie bersirkus ria nyelesaiin bdck pun snack box yg walopun isinya cuma 2 biji per box tapi jumlahnya itu lhooo ... hehehehe.

Sempet comes out with an idea to make an opera cake, pokoke yg kepikir as simple as possible deco-nya ... hehehehe, tapina yg mesen pada gak suka ama coffee flavour. Ya wes-lah dibikinin double chocolate andalan. Cumaaaa, secara bosen ma yg topping buah2an ... jadinya pagi ini dibikin berbunga2. Hasilnya masih amat-sangat jauh dari rapih...huhuhu.

Moga2 yg mesen hepi .. here's penampakannya ...

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