Kue Lebaran Bunda
9:20 AMTahun ini kue lebaran-nya made in Bunda :).
Choco Coco Crunchy
150 gr cokelat masak, potong-potong
1/4 sdt esen vanila
100 gr kismis
100 gr choco crunch
Sprinkle warna-warni secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
1. Lelehkan cokelat masak, masukkan esen vanila, aduk rata, angkat.
2. Tambahkan kismis dan choco crunch, aduk rata.
3. Ambil satu sendok teh cokelat leleh, tata dalam loyang, dinginkan.
4. Hias choco kismis dengan sprinkle warna-warni di atasnya, masukkan dalam lemari pendingin, sajikan.
Kuker Keju Corn Flake
200 gram margarin
50 gram keju parmesan
180 gram tepung terigu
50 gram cornflake, diremas-remas
50 gram ground almond
Cara membuat:
1. Kocok margarin asal rata.
2. Tambahkan keju parmesan, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
4. Tambahkan cornflake dan ground almond. Aduk rata.
5. Sendokkan adonan ke atas loyang yang sudah dialasi cookies sheet. Oven 30 menit dengan suhu 160 derajat Celcius.
Choco Chips-Kismis Cookies
1 cup shortening/white butter (~200gr)
1/2 Cup Butter (~100 gr)
1 1/4 Cup White Sugar (~280 gr)
1 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar (~280 gr)
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
2 eggs
4 Cups Flour (~560 gr)
1. Beat together shortening, butter, brown sugar & white sugar until sugars are blended well and mixture's consistency is light and fluffy. This is the secret to a mouth watering chocolate chip cookie.
2. Now once you are finished mixing these first ingredients and your mixture looks fluffy add the eggs and vanilla. Mix these in until well blended.
3. Combine in separate bowl the dry ingredients: fluor, baking soda & salt, mix these together well.
Now slowly add the dry ingredients to your fluffy concoction in the mixer while mixing on low speed.
4. Now it is time to add in Semisweet Chocolate Chips Roasted Walnuts that have been chopped
Hint: Freezing your Chocolate Chips before mixing them into the dough will prevent them from smashing and turning your cookie dough brown.
5. Then shaping the dough use an ice-cream scooper or a table spoon onto the cookies tray layered with un-greased cookie sheet.
6. Bake your cookies for 13-15 minutes on 1750 C.
7. After about 5 minutes of cooling on the cookie sheet remove them and place them on a cooling rack until they are no longer warm.
Note: source http://www.myhomecooking.net
250 gram unsalted butter
20 gram margarine
1 sdm gula halus
3 kuning telor
375 gram tepung terigu
2 sdm susu bubuk
1 sdm tepung maizena
Selai Nanas - rebus semua bahan sampai mengental & dinginkan semalam sebelum dipakai
1 buah nanas agak besar, parut (kalo saya, diblender biar cepet ... hehehe)
1 btg kayu manis
5 butir cengkeh
100 gram gula pasir
5 lembar daun jeruk
Bahan Olesan, campur jadi satu:
1 kuning telor
1 sdm susu cair
Cara Membuat:
1. Campur tepung terigu, susu bubuk dan tepung maizena.
2. Kocok mentega, margarine dan gula halus sampai kuning pucat.
3. Masukkan kuning telor satu persatu sambil terus dikocok.
4. Matikan mixer, lalu masukkan campuran tepung dan susu sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk sampai rata menggunakan spatula.
5. Ambil adonan lalu bentuk bulat-bulat kecil. Pipihkan, isi dengan selai nanas, tutup lalu bulatkan kembali dan susun di atas loyang yang sudah dialasi dengan cookies sheet. Sebelum dipanggang, olesi atasnya dengan bahan olesan telur.
6. Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 170C sampai matang.
Bunda 1st Praline
Sweet Cheezy
Nadine's Choco Flower