Pineapple Up Side Down
7:25 AMI love the combination between cake & fruit ... hmmm ... sweet cake & sour fruit ... so yummy, who can resist it. Nahhh, secara masih ada nenas kalengan yang dah sebulanan ngendon di lemari, bahan2nya untuk nie cake juga gak aneh2 & cara mbikinnya gak membutuhkan waktu yang lama ... bgitu nemu resep ini, penasaran banget pengen nyobain. Akhirnya tadi pagi jadilah dicoba bikin.
Senengnya kalo pake resep bule, irit telur, pun nie resep mbikinnya gak pake mixer ... jadi bisa menghemat waktu untuk cuci2 wadah yang bekas dipake .. hehehehe. Nahh, buat yang suka kombinasi manisnya cake & sour-nya nenas .... pasti jatuh cinta ma nie kue ... rasanya in between antara bread pudding & cake yang moist gituh. Worth to try, dijamin gak akan gagal .. :). Btw, si Nadine suka lhoo .. karena ada cherry-nya kurasa :)
Happy baking ...
Pineapple Up Side Down
source: dapuriseng 1/4 cup butter (aku pake yang unsalted, kalo pake yang salted skip garam-nya)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar (gak punya stok, jadi aku subtitute dengan 1/4 cup gula pasir + 1/4 cup palm sugar, mixed well)
1 cup cake flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter, softened (aku diemin ajah tuh butter disuhu ruang semaleman,pas dipake tadi pagi dah soft dw)
1/2 cup milk
1 egg (aku pake 2 butir ukuran kecil, kocok lepas)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 can pineapple slices in syrup
maraschino cherries (as many as the empty space in the pan uncovered with the pinneaple)
Use an 8" square or round pan. Drain can of pineapple, saving the syrup. (aku pake 8" round pan)
1. Melt the butter in the microwave, don't overheat. Place in pan, spread on the bottom and sides. (kalo gak ada microwave, panasin di api bentar, asal leleh ... jangan sampe mendidih)
2. Sprinkle brown sugar over melted butter. Arrange whole pineapple slices and cherries (with cherries in centers of pineapple slices or empty space uncovered with pineapple) over the brown sugar in pan. Cut some of the remaining pineapple slices into half circles, then line the sides of the pan with them (standing up).
3. In a bowl, combine cake flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, softened butter, milk, egg, vanilla and 2 tablespoons of the pineapple syrup.
4. Pour batter into the pan, be careful, do not to disturb the pineapples and cherries.
5. Bake at 375°F (180C) for 30 to 35 minutes or until cake is golden and has pulled away from the edges slightly.
6. Remove from oven and allow to stand for a few minutes to set and then turn it upside down onto a serving dish. Serve while still warm or wait until cold, just choose as you like.