Chicken Pie
7:37 AMSemalem pulang kerja pengen nyobain bikin chicken pot pie, tapyy nyari puff pastry di gelael gak nemu, akhire nekad deh bikin home made puff pastry. Untungnya di rumah ada resepnya ... dari beberapa resep puff pastry hasil browsing, yang aku cobain itu yang tersimple, karena ngadon-nya pake mixer (aku lagi males nguleni), tapi maaf aku lupa ngambil nie resep dari situs mana.
Setelah penuh perjuangan & dibiarkan overnight di kulkas, pagi tadi subuh2 baru di giling (btw, jadinya banyak euy, udah dipake untuk bikin seloyang tapi masih bersisa di kulkas, rencana aku simpen ajah ntar kalo gak males mau dibikin portuguese egg tart ato pisang bolen kaliiy ya), Alhamdulillah ... jadi juga chicken pie-nya, tapi aku sih ngrasa hasilnya masih blum maksimal, layer puff pastry-nya masih blum sebanyak yang kuharapkan *kuciwa mode on*. Tapyyy ... overall, kalo menurut pengakuan misua selaku tukang kritik semua masakanku ... hasil akhirnya lumayan untuk hasil masakan trial pertama kali .. hehehehe
Chicken Pot Pie a la Bunda
Francois's Puff Pastry
Makes 2 3/4 pounds
12 1/4 ounces bread flour
5 1/4 ounces pastry flour
17 1/2 ounces unsalted butter
8 3/4 ounces ice water
1/3 ounce salt
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment, combine the bread and pastry flours, 5 1/4 ounces butter, and the water. Mix ingredients on low speed for 10 minutes. Add salt, and mix for 3 minutes more.
2. Remove dough from bowl and transfer to work surface. Let rest for 20 minutes. Shape dough into a 6-by-8-inch rectangle, wrap with plastic wrap and place on a baking sheet. Chill until dough is very cold, about 1 hour.
3. Place remaining 12 1/4 ounces butter in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, and mix until the butter has softened and is the same consistency as the dough.
4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, and place it on your work surface with the short side facing you. Spread the softened butter over the bottom half of the dough and fold the dough over the butter to enclose.
5. Turn the dough so that the short side is again facing you. Roll the dough into a 6-by-18-inch rectangle. Fold dough into thirds. Rotate dough 90 degrees (one quarter turn); roll again into a 6-by-18-inch rectangle; fold in thirds. Press two fingers into the dough to indicate the completion of two turns. Wrap in plastic; chill for about 2 hours.
6. Repeat the rolling-out process in step 5, rotating the dough 90 degrees before beginning. Mark with four fingers, signifying the completion of four turns. Wrap in plastic; chill for 2 hours.
7. Remove the dough from refrigerator. Give the dough its final two turns by repeating the rolling-out process in step 5, again rotating it 90 degrees before rolling it out. The dough is now ready to be used or it may be refrigerated overnight. Filling
250 gr wortel, potong dadu
250 ml kaldu ayam
250 ml susu cair
2 sdm tepung terigu
250 gr daging ayam rebus, potong dadu
1 kaleng kacang polong
1 buah bawang bombay, cincang halus
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
garam, merica, pala sesuai selera
2 batang seledri, cincang
Cara membuat:
Tumis bawang putih sampai haru, masukkan bawang bombay, tumis smapai layu, masukkan wortel, tambahkan tepung terigu, aduk sampai tercampur rata, tambahkan air kaldu, aduk rata, kemudian susu, aduk rata. Tambahkan garam, merica & pala sesuai selera. Kemudian masukkan daging ayam & kacang polong, terakhir seledri. Masak sampai matang, sisihkan.
Note: kalo gak mau ribet, benernya tinggal beli ajah puff pastry jadi ... fillingnya yang bikin dw. Waktu itu aku pernah ngliat di gelael tapi kok iya semalem pas nyari malah gak ada. Yang jelas kalo ke carrefour/cold storage pasti ada ... jadi kesimpulane, musti blanja buat stok nie kalo pas lagi nyebrang ... hehehehe