Cooking on Week-end

8:23 AM

Ceritanya, sabtu kemaren aku cuti sehari ... musti nemenin nadine secara pembantu udah di pulangin on thursday. Jadinya .. ya, selain main ma nadine & beberes dapur ... ujug2nya ya masak lagi-masak lagi. Setelah inspeksi kulkas, ternyata masih ada 6 buah apel fuji segedhe2 gaban yang aku gak inget belinya kapan tapi masih bagus, trus ada daging ayam giling, udang jerbung, strawberry (kalo ini sih pasti ada karena merupakan buah wajib nadine setiap hari .. hehehehe). Maka jadilah, sabtu-minggu kemarin aku nge-rodi masak buat anak & suami tercinta :). Sabtunya, bikin rawon & apple pie (gak matching blass ya .. biariiinnnn .. hehehehe) and sunday-nya bikin siomay bandung & very berry smootie. Hmmm ... anak suka .. apalagi suami ... *tersipu-sipu mode on* ...

Apple Pie
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Pie Crust
2 cups all-purpose flour (~280 gr)
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
6 tablespoons butter (~85 gr)
6 tablespoons shortening (~85 gr)
6 to 8 tablespoons ice water

5 tart peeled apples (aku pake apple fuji segedhe2 gaban, 3 buah)
1 cup sugar (~225 gr)
2 tablespoons flour (~28 gr)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vinegar
2 tablespoons butter (~28 gr)

To make pie-crust:
1. Warm butter in microwave until soft, but not melted.
2. Mix in a large bowl: 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar
3. Then mix in: 6 tablespoons warmed butter, 6 tablespoons shortening, 6 to 8 tablespoons ice water
4. Use pastry knife for best result.
5. Then, chill the Pie Crust Dough in plastic wrap then place in refrigerator for 20 or more minutes.

To make filling:
1. Peel and slice your apples. Soak them in water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. This will help prevent them from turning brown.
2. Mix in large mixing bowl: 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon vinegar
3. Now mix into the sugary Pie flavoring 5 apples.

Shaping the pie crust:
1. Cut the pie crust has had time to cool divide it into two equal halves.
2. Roll one of the balls of pie crust out until it is around 1/8 of an inch thick.
3. Once you have rolled out the dough wrap it around the rolling pin and unroll it onto your pie pan.
4. Once you have shaped it to fit the inside of the pan take a fork and poke holes in the bottom of the crust to let steam out as it cooks.
5. Place the apples in the pie in a pattern so that they all fit in the pie.
6. Place about 4 chunks of butter on top of apple filling. This will give the filling and crust a more buttery flavor.
7. Roll out the remaining pie dough and place it on top. Left-over.
8. Bake your pie at 205degrees Celsius for 50-60 minutes.
9. To make your apple pie have a glossy look to it brush a small portion of egg white on top of crust ten minutes before taking it out of the oven.

Note: recipe source

Siomay Bandung

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Kulit pangsit
Tahu putih
Kentang, kupas, potong sesuai selera
Kol, tipiskan tulang daunnya, kukus sampai layu
Telur, rebus sampai matang

Isi siomay, campur jadi satu:
150 gram daging ayam, cincang halus
150 gram udang, cincang halus
100 gram tepung kanji
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1/2 sdm saos tiram
1/2 sdm minyak wijen
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 sdt gula pasir
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 bag kaldu ayam bubuk cube
1 butir telur, kocok lepas

Saos Kacang:
5 siung bawang putih
2 butir bawang merah
4 buah cabe merah
Cabe rawit sesuai selera (aku gak pake karena gak suka pedes)
6 butir kemiri
Minyak untuk menumis

250 gram kacang tanah goreng, haluskan (aku pake yang tanpa kulit biar bumbune gak coklat banget)
Cuka, garam, gula secukupnya
Air secukupnya
4 lembar daun jeruk

Jeruk limau
Kecap manis
Saos tomat/saos sambal

Cara Membuat:
1. Siomay: Isi kulit pangsit dengan bahan isi, sesuai selera (kalo aku seperti siomay pada umumnya, kayak mangkok gituh)
2. Tahu, & kentang kukus sampai matang, kol (gulung seperti lumpia)
3. Rebus telur sampai matang
4. Sajikan dengan saos kacang serta kecap manis.

Saos Kacang:
1. Haluskan bumbu halus, tumis dengan daun jeruk sampai harum.
2. Masukkan kacang yang sudah dihaluskan, tambahkan air smapai kekentalan yang diinginkan.
3. Tambahkan garam & gula, amasak smapai matang.
4. Setelah agak dingin tambahkan cuka, aduk rata.

Cara menghidangkan:
Potong siomay-kol-telur-kentang & tahu putih sesuai selera, beri bumbu, tambahkan kecap manis & saos sambal/saos tomat sesuai selera, beri perasan jeruk limau ... hmmm, sedapp .. :)

Very Bery Smootie
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5 buah strawberry segar ukuran sedang
1 sachet bubuk milkshake rasa strawberry siap pakai
1 sdt gula pasir (bias ditambahkan/dikurangi sesuai selera)
250 ml juice strawberry (kalo ada), kalo gak ada bisa pake air biasa
Es batu secukupnya
Whipping cream siap pakai
Strawberry untuk hiasan

Cara membuat:
Campurkan semua bahan, blender sampai halus, masukkan ke gelas dan hiasa atasnya dengan whipped cream & buah strawberry.

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